Versions Compared


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Breadth & Depth of Implementation (35%)

This is a qualitative mark that your mentor will give based on how much of your service you have implemented, and the quality of what you have implemented. Considerations that are taken into account:

  • Complexity of functionality

  • Robustness of functionality (whether it is working)

Software Design & Architecture (30%)

  • Is the stack well designed and justified, and have any changes from Sprint 1 been documented and justified?

  • Have the non-functional requirements been accommodated and designed for?

  • Has a data model been produced which is accurate and demonstrates thoughtful planning?

  • Have the different layers been written and abstracted appropriately in the code?

  • Does the API design provide a near-complete solution to the specified requirements?

  • Have all required fields been included for each endpoint?

  • Are the endpoint descriptions succinct and understandable?

Software Quality (20%)

  • Is there a suite of tests which gives a sufficient coverage score?

  • Are the tests well designed and thought out?

  • Has CI been setup to automatically check code in the repo?

  • Is the code well written and styled (See Section 5.3)

Deployment (5%)

  • Has the service been deployed on a platform?

  • Is it available and functional for anyone to use on the internet?

Project Management & Communications (10%)

  • Are meeting minutes well laid-out, detailed and insightful?

  • Has the team undertaken Agile communications? (standups, sprint planning, sprint retrospective)

  • Has the Jira board been used appropriately (See Section 7.2)

  • Have git commits and merge requests been used appropriately?

9. Submission ⬆️





  • PlaceAdd a link to your Git repository inside a your online documentation website (Confluence page) called Codebase in the .

  • The Confluence page should be named "Codebase" and submitted via Moodle Sprint 2 submission.

  • Ensure that your tutor has full access to the repository and documentation space.

The grading tutor will assess the state of your Jira board


, Confluence documentation space


, and Git


repository at the submission deadline



Submission Process


  • Only one team member of your team (the Scrum Master) should submit the repository link here on Moodle.

  • If the Scrum Master is unable to submit the assessment for any reason, inform your tutor as soon as possible.
